6 Reasons to Consider Staffed Events

One of our staffed events is definitely right for you if any of the following apply to your dealership.

1. You Have Aging Inventory

Our salesmen are experts at matching customers to their perfect vehicle and selling inventory that has been stagnant for months. We give our clients the ability to sell up to 50% of their used car inventory.

2. You Need a Boost to Start or End a Slow Month

Our sales are capable of bringing in over $250,000 of gross profit in a single 5-8 day sale. Many of our clients have even exceeded these outstanding numbers, including a Chevy dealership near Atlanta and a Ford dealership in southern Indiana.

3. You Want to Meet Your New Car Sales Quota

New car sales have been on the decline for over a year now, making them more difficult to sell. We are able to triple new car sales and help our clients reach new car sales goals they haven’t been able to reach in years.

4. You Want More People in Your Showroom

All dealers have been faced with an empty showroom at some point. Our super sales events bring in over 100 opportunities a day to sell a car. That fills your showroom, keeps your sales staff busy, and allows them to sell more vehicles.

5. Online Marketing Isn’t Working as Well as it Used to

Online marketing can be a very useful tool for your dealership, but now most dealerships have online marketing and it becomes all about getting the price for customers. Not only does this drive you to bring down your price, but it also diminishes your profits. Staffed events are different. There is far less competition in customers’ mailboxes than on their phones or computer screen, making it easier to reach them.

6. You Have a Lot of Competition in Your Area

Today, competition can be everywhere. Not only do you have to compete with other car dealers in your area, but now dealers are forced to compete with online car dealers that can be accessed from anywhere. A staffed event is something that potential customers in your market can’t ignore, thus driving them into your store.

Don’t worry about the size of your dealership, we have worked with dealerships of all types, from some of the largest dealerships in the country to a family operated dealership. We custom tailor events to fit the dealership, market demographics, and dealer preference. Just give us a call to see what we can do for your dealership.

Visit our website for more information about what we do, watch testimonial videos from some of our clients, and even meet the team that makes our events so successful. You can also give us a call at 1-888-524-4563, to speak to our owner, Joe Cox, about creating the perfect event for your dealership. Or email us with any questions you may have regarding staffed events and direct mail!

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