3 Ways to Fill an Empty Showroom
All dealerships have faced an empty showroom at some point. Ultimately, empty showrooms indicate a lack of sales and customer traffic. To prevent that from happening, action must be taken. The following is a list of 3 surefire solutions to an empty showroom.
Staffed Event
Staffed events are one thing that cannot be ignored by potential car buyers in your area. Not only are they great for increasing gross profit, but the additional sales staff are a great way to accommodate for such an increase in showroom traffic. The supplementary staff also organize and set up the event to decrease the amount of stress and worry for dealers.
When you choose an event with Pinnacle Sales and Mail, you receive these benefits and many more. We can provide a BDC to accommodate the high volume of sales calls during the event. The BDC also works as a means to track the event’s traffic and overall performance.
At Pinnacle, you also receive peace of mind that our events will not only increase gross, but it will increase customer satisfaction and merge well with your current sales staff an process.
Community Involvement
Community involvement is a great way to increase brand awareness trust in your area. Community involvement can range from sponsoring a local event, such as a 5k, or host an event at your dealership. Hosted events at a dealership are most successful when paired with something of public interest. In other words, give those who attend the event something of value. This can range from a small prize, to a giveaway, or even something as simple as complimentary food.
We have seen the great success of giving such prizes to the community and find that it greatly increases customer satisfaction and even if a potential customer doesn’t purchase a car at that time, they are now aware of your dealership and will consider it when it does come time for them to purchase a vehicle.
Direct Mail
Direct mail campaigns are highly effective tools to increase customer traffic. Direct mail has been proven to have a higher response rate than digital marketing, including email and social media marketing. According to Swimmer Integrate Marketing by Design, “The response rate to direct mail pieces is 3.7 percent, as opposed to 2 percent mobile, 1 percent email, 1 percent social media, and 0.2 percent internet display.”
Some suggest the reason the response rate of direct mail is so high is that businesses have less competition in the mailbox than any other marketing strategy (like email or social media). This is particularly true in the automotive industry, as less and less dealers utilize less mail and more digital marketing tactics. Another reason it is so successful is that it is more difficult to ignore a physical ad in your hand than it is to scroll past an ad online.
Direct mail also pairs well with some marketing strategies you may already be taking advantage of. According to Nonprofit Pro, “Direct mail with digital ads yield 28% higher conversion rate.”
Here at Pinnacle Sales and Direct Mail, we send out hundreds of thousands of mail pieces every week, which allows us to offer competitive prices and the experience to know what is effective in different markets. Direct mail is also more targeted than you may think. We are able to analyze your market demographics and target areas that will be the most beneficial to your dealership to yield the most effective campaign.
Pinnacle Offers a Combination of all 3 During Our Events
Pinnacle Sales and Direct Mail offers dealers a way to combine all of these to make for a significant increase in gross profit. We provide direct mail campaigns with prizes to incentivize potential car buyers in the community to visit your dealership and offer additional staff to organize the event and provide supplemental sales associates to accommodate for the increase in customer traffic.
Our events have been proven to sell up to 50% of our client’s used car inventories and triple their new car sales. Additionally, our events can bring in over 100 opportunities a day to sell a car, this is on top of traffic from repeats, referrals, and digital marketing.
We have been in the industry for 20 years and send over 25 million pieces of mail every year. We are endorsed by many national companies including Proactive Dealer Solutions, the BDC industry leader. We continue to maintain a professional reputation among dealers and pride ourselves on being the industry’s only corporate staffed event company.
Visit our website for more information about what we do, watch testimonials from dozens of happy clients, and even meet our Pinnacle team.